There’s been much discussion south of the border about the clash between the left and the right on the political spectrum. We’ve had similar examinations here in Alberta. I’ve been politically charged at times on various social media platforms. To be frank, I’m not that aligned with the hard right, and I find it unfortunate that in order to vote for good fiscal policy, you have to accept the ‘other’ less savory social policies of the prevailing right leaning parties. I’m a conservative at the core, but that doesn’t mean I’m a heartless industrialist or a religious zealot.
With that in mind, I dream of a day when I can vote for a party that has a platform in line with my below general beliefs:
I believe in free speech. Ridiculous ideas gain more traction when they are suppressed.
I believe that political correctness is a disease that causes nobody to say what everyone is thinking.
I believe that a woman’s right to choose what to do with her body is an inalienable right.
I believe we should have even stronger social safety nets that help those in need, and that we should endeavor to increase the portion of directed funding that goes to those in need and decrease the portion used in program administration.
I believe that in most cases, private enterprise can provide services better and cheaper than government.
I believe that immigration can help our economy, but only if we pay strict attention to attracting the best and brightest.
I believe that Western Culture is something worthy of maintaining and that if we don’t pay attention to immigration policy that it can be irreparably impaired.
I believe that bureaucracy is the opposite of common sense.
I believe that the mainstream media can’t be trusted to tell the whole story – they have their own agendas.
I believe that Alberta has had a raw deal for the last 40 years of confederation and that we should endeavor to never have another dollar of equalization go to Quebec.
I believe that people that make more money should pay more tax than those that make less, but that there is a natural limit that should prevail. Nobody should be forced to pay half of their income in taxes.
I believe that when marginal taxes approach 50%, people change their behavior to avoid paying the tax. They work less, create less, invest less, and take fewer business risks. I believe that both our NDP provincial and Liberal federal governments have no idea that this is true (as they’ve never made a business decision in their lives).
I believe in creating equality of opportunity. We need to do more to help ensure that talented and motivated people have access to the tools they need to succeed. I don’t, however, believe in equality of outcome. People’s talent, work ethic, and character isn’t equal, and it’s reasonable to suggest that some people will fare better than others, and it’s not the place of government to subvert this natural process.
I believe that regulation is an impediment to wealth creation and that less regulation will improve economic outcomes.
I believe that humans can have an impact on climate. I don’t, however, believe in cataclysmic predictions from people with ulterior motives.
I believe that carbon taxes are about wealth redistribution. The idea that carbon taxes will have any impact on climates is laughable.
I believe that the most powerful tool we have to improve our economy is small business. Create an environment where small businesses can access capital, are not burdened by onerous regulation and tax, and employment and GDP will rise.
I believe that public sector salaries should not exceed those paid by private sectors for similar work.
I believe we should pay our politicians more not less, to encourage talented individuals to run for office. The smartest and most capable people I know would be taking a major pay cut to be a politician. Pay peanuts get monkeys.
I believe that people should be free to pursue their religious beliefs (or lack thereof) without interference from government, (provided such beliefs don’t interfere with the freedom of others to pursue their own interests).
I believe that most Muslims are good people, and I know many personally, but I believe ignoring that Islam has a problem with extremism is helping to perpetuate the problem.
I believe that unions once played a significant role in helping ensure that working class people were not exploited, but that in current times unions promote mediocrity by preventing rewards to the best or hardest working employees and protecting the weakest or lazy ones from consequences.
I believe that oil prices have been a major factor affecting the condition of the Alberta economy. However, I believe it’s clear that the NDP government has exacerbated the issue by creating a business hostile environment. Texas employment numbers are skyrocketing, and they have the same oil price as Alberta. I long for the days when Alberta was Texas north.
Perhaps most importantly, I believe we need to unite the right in Alberta to ensure we don’t have to endure another term of the most ineffective government in our history.
Quentin D. Gardiner